Meet Mr. Busy Himself
Delliyo- Salute the Djs Music Video
Staff: As a Generation Green, how would you describe the overall insight on Hip
Hip hop to me is something that gone last forever I can’t see myself living
without it and music period whether it’s
hip hop or other genres of music. It’s something
that attached to my everyday living I
listen to music when I wake up in the morning getting dress, when I drive to
work or just when I feel the need to vibe to new music.
Staff: Please enlighten our readers with the background of Generation Green
such as past mixtapes and hobbies.
Delliyo: First off
Generation Green is deeper then music.
Music is just the built up aggression stress or happiness outlet to let
people know what is going on among the generation you come from or the
generation you live in. Generation Green
is a made up world where talented individuals reside. This place is where you
go and feel welcomed and not looked downed upon. A place where you can meet people with the
same drive and passion to succeed in the journey they set out on to complete.
and yes Green Would be the color of this world because in my eyes it symbolize
success from a reality point of view such as a statement money makes the world
go round which in real life is true but talent is what makes generation green
go round...far as our past mixtapes I’ve released "RAAW"(Real Artist
At Work) Which was a open call for talented artist that wanted to link up and
have their talent exposed so from that mixtape alone is how Generation Green
came about. then off that mixtape I went straight into the "Lost in the
Music" where I was experimenting with different production sounds far as up-tempo,
slow melody, east coast, west coast and southern style still working on my
craft as a artist knowing when playing in this industry you have to touch every
side of music cuz in the long run you trying to determine where you gone be
treated with most valued as a artist. I met some real talented people around
this time including Meacho, Sunny B, Bmyles, Markel, and Kiara-Nicole and
others who helped me create what I had planned. Moving along Sunny B. Dropped
his Killer Instinct mixtape which to me was self explanatory his passion for
music was on the same level or higher as mines was and knowing how high of a
level I was on at this point I knew he would deliver something that gone be
looked back upon as a classic from then on we went right on to the GenaVision
which stood for the motivation, dedication and creation of something new.... in
our world not only was the music at this point beyond relevant... our history
that we had with one another in that short period of time is what drove us all
to collaborate on a project with our Best Material. as far as hobbies when I’m not lost in the
music I’m somewhere lost in reality where I’m entertaining my family teaching
them my downfalls in life so they won’t have to encounter them keeping my
household one, working out, cooking I play ball from time to time going out
with friends to clubs seeing what the new trends are and listening to
music. Traveling is definitely a big
thing on my hobbies list. Love to see new sights.
Staff: As a fairly new but experience MC, what motivates your musical style and
Delliyo: My everyday living is what motivates me from everything I been thru, going thru the people around me the things I do in my spare time or musical work hours listening to new music make me want do new music and far a my concepts I try to keep it interesting putting topics that’s not only relate but also entertain in a sense if that makes sense
Staff: Where did Dell Green artist name originate from?
kind of just stuck with me it was plenty names before this one but people
normally pronounce it Delliyo so I just looked at it as cool I’m giving you
that deal when you hear my music from the best production, best concepts, best
hooks and lyrics compared to whoever as I still progress with my craft
Staff: Describe one of your best performances of your career?
Delliyo: I’ve had bad,
good and great performance but until I get on a stage where everyone in the
crowd knows my song faces light up to see me on stage a instant good energy
when I step on stage will be my best performance which in my eyes haven’t
happen yet. I get shown love after all
my shows whether its 1 or 30 people but I do have a couple that sticks out the
most Such as a Sprulls Performance I did with Djay St. Louis as my hype man,
the Fourth of July performance I did with My team Generation Green and So-so
Big Money Hustle down on 14th and St. Louis outside while the fireworks were
shooting off downtown 2012 and peace fest 2013 was also a good one.
DaVisionaire Staff: What is your favorite track(s) on GenaVision (hits for the industry) mixtape?
Delliyo: Not
to sound cliché but if I name one then I have to name some more after because honestly
I don’t have just 1 favorite song but if I got to choose it a be Dizzy Body,
Boosted up, Boogie Down, CoolWalkMoneyLean, Fantasy Girl, Top of The World... I
Like Ty-boogie Freestyle as well
Staff: Let’s get in depth with the mixtape. What inspired the title of your
recent mixtape?
Delliyo: The inspiration
behind GenaVision was me wanting to collaborate with the ones on my team I
built up a musical history with and make A1 Music. It also was just a outburst to get supporters
to recognize us for making hits for the industry so nothing bad could be said
about it... basically a mixtape where people listen to it and be like that was
a good mixtape but what is next solo wise between all these artist on this
mixtape I see what ya'll can do collaborating... what can you do as a solo artist?....its
kind of like exposing my artist as well as challenging them to do more and be
great at it
Staff: Who are some of your favorite artists to listen to, either mainstream or
underground? Who would you like to collaborate with?

Staff: What do you have planned next?
Delliyo: Whatever I do
next its gone be something bigger then what I did previous I’m thinking about
doing a "United City of St. Louis" R.A.A.W2 mixtape feat all talented
artist I’ve networked with since the first R.A.A.W mixtape dropped. There's a
catch to that because I want to have a double disc mixtape which one is audio
and the other video. Plan is not all the
way thought out yet but it’s just a way artist from my town, the city I live in
to get on TV and make money and exposure like artist down in Atlanta
Staff: What does Hip Hop means to you as a lyricist?
Delliyo: Hip-Hop is a way
of life it’s the way a person express them in an artistic way whether it’s
dealing with fashion, art, music, movies, skits or music production
Staff: What inspires you to make real hip hop music?
inspires me is the talented people around me that keeps me motivated to do so
just as much as my everyday living
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